Cecil Campbell

Cecil Campbell's 40's Hula Shack 78s

Cecil Campbell Campbell's Steel Guitar Special 1946

Rock and Roll Forever

The Rocking Guitar

I Get the Blues

Cecil Campbell Proud Papa Polka 1950

Dixieland Rock

Rock and Roll Fever

“Serenade of the Winds” Cecil Campbell’s Tennessee Ramblers - RCA Victor 21-0376

Dixieland Rock

The Rocking Guitar

Cecil Campbell and his Tennessee ramblers - Rock and Roll Ferver

Cecil Campbell Whose Blues Are You Now 1948

Cecil Campbell - I'm On The Right Road Now / Contentment [MGM, 1956 country gospel]

Cecil Campbell - Steel Guitar Jamboree

Cecil Campbell and his Tennessee Ramblers - Rock and Roll Ferver

Cecil Campbell I Trusted You 1946

The Rocking Guitar

Nowhere no Time no Place

Cecil Campbell MGM K12245 Dixieland Rock

Hawaiian Skies

Hawaiian Skies

The Rockin' Guitar

Hawaiian Skies